Why does a teacher need to care about his/her own professional development?  Here are five quick reasons why you need to think about attending our training session.q

1.  Your job depends on it: teaching is the number one profession that affects real lives. You may not remember them, but they (your students) may remember you.  Most of us remember that one teacher that inspired us. We have in our hands the power to inspire, influence,  equip, teach and train another generation. When we stand to teach, enthused or otherwise,  we are influencing children. Pride our craft dictates that we take our training seriously. We must keep getting better. We must keep reflecting on how we do things. How can we make learning fun, relevant and engaging? Read on!

2. So you got the job promising to give 120%. But somewhere along the line, your passion has ebbed away or is ebbing away and you are giving 70%. Yes, you still mark books, attend departmental meetings (oops, you have to anyways) and parent evenings,  you still show up on time, every day, but some thing within you has died, you have lost your spark. It is time to consider attending a teachers' training session. It is time to learn/relearn research based strategic learning and teaching practices. It is time to recharge your batteries. I know the school year is coming to an end, but just like the kids, you need a little something  to get to finish the year on 140%.

3.  You learn new things when you attend training sessions: Teaching  and training is about sharing information with colleagues in a non-judgemental, open and positive environment.  Attending training sessions, provides an opportunity to find out how other colleagues deal with work/life balance, class room management, curriculum changes and so on. Training avails you the opportunity to gain access to what colleagues across the county (nation) are doing to ensure student success. Plus, you get to meet like minded people. 

4. You gain new skills: In an industry that is always changing, it is perhaps easier to let other colleagues do the 'work' and then share with you the latest curriculum development. Also, it is crucially important to learn from seasoned teachers and trainers what the trend in Ofsted is.  Attending training sessions will allow  you explore with teachers like yourself strategies to outstanding teaching and recognise those things that impede learning in students. The trend these days is teaching from the top. What does that mean? How can you incorporate that into what you do? How do you differentiate your teaching without increasing your work load for example? How do you keep on top of the marking policy at your school? Training  with WISETHINKERS Teachers is bound to give you ideas on how to become an effective and organised teacher.  

5. Networking: Every teacher will attest to this. Success or failure in any school depends on the strength of the relationships you build around you within the school. A lot of teachers like myself  thrive on social relationships; we know the importance of networking either on a social media platform like  the The Educational Guide group  on WhatsApp and Facebook or a training environment. Networking links you with teachers who may be your life line into your next job. You never know. We are teachers training teachers. 

Olayemi Odejayi 

Wisethinkers Educational Services 


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